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Exhibition(Closed) 2023 KOREA LAB - 2023.04.18 ~ 2023.04.21

Upcoming April, Otsuka Electronics Korea is participating in the 2023 Korea Lab at Kintex.

Please feel free to come and visit our booth if you are interested in our products or analytics field.

Go to Pre-Registration

(Once you register, you can visit the 6 shows at the same time for free! )

[Exhibition overview]

TITLE: KOREA LAB 2023(The 17th Korea Int’l Laboratory, Analytical Equipment and Biotechnology Exhibition)

DATE: 18(Tue.)-21(Fri.) April, 2023 (10:00-17:00) (Last day : by 16:00)  

VENUE: KINTEX 1 (Korea International Exhibition Center 2), Korea,  5D608 Booth

FIELD: ELSZneo series, nanoSAQLA, QE-2000, OPTM

* If you have not Pre-registered in advance, please visit the exhibition hall and contact us 

   with the following information. we will send you an invitation.

   Seok-jun Kim :, 010-3390-7437

(Click on the image above to go to the exhibition site.)


6F, 41, Seongnam-daero 925beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13496, Republic of Korea

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