Thin Film Evaluation TFE-300

Si wafer thickness monitoring system

Products > Semiconductor evaluation >  Metrology >TFE-300


All features required for wafer thickness measurement are integrated into the head.

High-precision absolute reflectance using fine spectroscopy can be measured at a high speed of less than 1 second/point.

In addition, the wide wavelength range (UV~NIR) allows ultra thin films as well as multi-layered structure analysis (more than three layers).

  • An optical system which realizes measurement with a wide wavelength range (UV to NIR)

  • Multi stacked layer structure analysis (above 3 layer)

  • Customizations of H/W, S/W, and Communication functions

  • Max 12” foup-based load/unload

  • Pattern recognition for multi-layer on pattern wafer

X-Y MotorStrokeabove 300mm
Theoretical Resolution1㎛
Z MotorStroke14mm
Theoretical Resolutionunder 1㎛
Wafer Alignernotch align reproducibilityunder 0.1°θ align
CameraFOV712x533 ㎛X10 Lens (Customizable)
Wavelength range 360~1100nmCustomizable (DUV to NIR: 250~1600nm)
 Wavelength accuracy under 0.3nm Calibration: 1time/year
 Wavelength width 1.6nm/pixel 512ch or 1024ch
Lamp Light source LDLS or TH Lamp
 Lifetime 10,000h or 1,500hRespectively
SpotSize Φ 20㎛X10 Lens
(4~20Φ um, selected by the magnification of each lens)

 Thickness Range 7nm~49㎛ Applied n=1.5
Accuracyunder 0.1nm Under SiO2 on Si 100nm (Certificated Sample)
under 0.07% Under SiO2 on Si 100nm (Certificated Sample)
 Reflectance Repeatability under 0.5%wavelength range: 400~800nm

 (Materials used in the CMP fabrication)
MaterialThickness Range

 Measurement Option 

 Measure by adding a variety of options on one  equipment without increasing the size of the equipment!


RS (Sheet Resistance)

∙ Non-Contact Sheet Resistance

  : Eddy Current analysis

∙ 4 Point Probe Sheet Resistance

  : 1mΩ/□~1GΩ/□

Wafer Thickness Meter

 ∙ High speed Sampling (5kHz)

  : 60,000 point/1min

 ∙ Thickness Range: 6~1300㎛

 ∙ non-contact, non-destructive

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer 

∙ Ultra thin film analysis

   : 10Å~35㎛

∙ Optical constant analysis (n, k)

6F, 41, Seongnam-daero 925beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13496, Republic of Korea

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